School Uniform
All parents/carers should send their child to school in the agreed school uniform.
Please make sure that all uniform and coats are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Children in Nursery wear a grey tracksuit with the school logo on and a pair of wellington boots [to be left in school for outdoor play].
Reception and Key Stage 1:
Grey trousers/skirt
White shirt/blouse
Grey pullover/cardigan
School tie
Black shoes
Grey trousers/shorts
Yellow school polo t’shirt
Yellow and white gingham dress
Grey cardigan/pullover/tank top
Black shoes
Yellow t-shirt
Black shorts
Black slip on pumps
A fabric P.E. bag should be provided for each child.
Foundation Stage: wellington boots
A school blazer and/or waterproof jacket are also available. Children must wear a coat to school every day as they will play/work outside even in cold and damp weather.
All uniform is available from Lisa's Schoolwear, East Prescot Road or
West Derby Schoolwear, 239-241 Eaton Road or online at click here
Children will also require a yellow homework/ reading book bag.
Children may not wear jewelry apart from small stud earrings for those children with pierced ears. This is in the interest of health and safety.